
Troop 373
To New Troop Web Site: http://www.sierramadretroop373.org/
Troop 373 Main Web Page
Troop 373 meets at SMCC on the Tuesdays at 7:00PM (unless noted as other below ).
Troop meeting are across the street from Sierra Madre Memorial Park and City Hall, in The Old North Church.
PLC - Patrol Leaders' Council (Green Bar) meets once a month on the 3rd Tuesday at 6 PM or as listed below.
Court of Honor - COH are in Pritchard Hall (or 154 at 7 pm, as noted. )
Scoutmaster Conference are during the Troop meeting, ask the Scoutmaster when ready. Troop 373 Scouts pursue rank advancement at their own pace. Once they complete the requirements for rank they are responsible for requesting their scoutmaster conferences and Board of Review
Board of Review are during the Troop meeting, once a month.. Make an appointment after Scoutmaster Conference with Mr. Hoffman.
Check back before events for any changes!!
Refresh your page if you visited this page recently- F5. Red = New info Archive pages of past events
Activity Schedule
Check back before the event for changes! As most activities still need to have details planned. Italics are non Troop events, FYI. Jump To Summer camps
New: Please turn in the new BSA Medical Form before going on a trip, parents complete Parts A and B; have Part C complete for week long. To Summer camps A doctor must complete Part C of the form, The Medical form is good for one year.
Non Troop 373 events you may sign up for on your own: Arcadia Wilderness Park MBs and Trask MBs
_________________April 21 – Easter Bailey Canyon Wilderness Sunrise Service Project
April 26 – 28, Camporee, Firestone Scout Reservation in Brea. Flyer
May 7, 7pm Court of Honor - COH are in Pritchard HallMay 11, Day Hike Echo Mt/Mt. Lowe 7:30 AM to 4pm flyer
May 25 and May 27 Sat. & Mon. Memorial Day Service Project in Sierra Madre FlyerSat May 25, 2019 10 AM Flags up and Monday May 27, 2019 3:00 pm flags down
May 27 Mon. Memorial Day Last Monday of May
June 11, 7pm Court of Honor - COH are in Pritchard Hall
June 23 to June 29, 2019 Sunday-Sat. New BSA Troop 373 Summer Camp flyer Circle X Boy Scout Camp 3 miles East of Lake Arrowhead,
July 4 Be in (or watch) the Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade, FlyerJuly 4 Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade Be a Banner Carrier, Boy Scouts please read flyer
Boy Scouts Troop 373 main page
The Troop Archive Pages of Past Events:
Link to past years of Troop 373 events
Archives, recent past events:
January 7, 2017 New Saturday 2 pm Eagle Court of Honor For Gabriel Gonzales flyer
Jan 10, 2017 Troop meeting start
Jan. 14 and 15, 2016 Calico Car Camp Outing Flyer
Jan 17 PLC meeting 6pm flyer
Jan. 21 2pm New Eagle Court of Honor For Ryan Toomer and Ryan Wiles flyer
Jan 21 Sat. 8am to noon. Rocket Launch at Santa Fe Dam. Must RSVP, sign up for car pooling. Space Exploration Merit Badge Flyer
JANUARY 24, 2017 7:30 - 8:30pm New Troop PARENT MEETING Tuesday during Troop meeting Flyer
JANUARY 28, 2017 9:00am - 4:00pm TROOP LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT, Lunch will be provided Flyer
Feb. 10 - 12, 2017 at Joshua Tree, at Indian Cove Group Camp Site #1. flyer
February 12, 2017 Sunday, 3pm, Unknown Scout Ceremony, Memorial Park. Flyer
Feb 4 Sat. 8am to noon. Rocket Launch at Santa Fe Dam. Must RSVP, sign up for car pooling. Space Exploration Merit Badge Flyer
tba Sat. AM Rocket Launch at Lucerne Dry Lake Must RSVP, sign up for car pooling. Space Exploration Merit Badge FlyerFeb 21 COH Court of Honor - COH in Pritchard Hall at 7 pm
Feb. 28 Pack Meeting Blue and Gold Receive new AOL Scouts 8:00 pm
March 12, 2017 Sun Wistaria Festival in Sierra Madre, CA from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. flyer
March 14 , Tuesday, 7:30- to 8:30pm Parent meeting for new Scout families at Troop 373
March 18 Sat. 12 Noon for 1 1/2 hours. Rummage Clean up, noon. in Pritchard Hall flyerMarch 25 to 26 (note date) Sat. to Sunday, Pre Camporee, ONC 8:00am, back ONC 1pm at Crystal Lake Flyer
New Date TBA Tenderfoot camp new Scouts Sat. to Sunday, Pre Camporee, ONC 1:30pm, back ONC 1pm at Crystal Lake Flyer
April 1 Troop Fishing Trip, Details at Troop meetings. New
April 8 2pm SMCC Eagle Court of Honor Thomas Castro and Danny Garcia New - Flyer
April 11 Troop outing 7pm - 8:30pm - Place Bailey Canyon Wilderness Park, Due to Holy Week: Troop meeting not at SMCC, 420 West Carter Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA 91024, Meet at Bailey Canyon at 7pm All Scouts need to bring a compass, flashlight, Scout Essentials. Scouts will be picked up at Bailey Canyon at 8:30pm Flyer. map to park
April 21 to 23 Camporee Friday ONC 4pm, back Sunday ONC noon. Flyer
May 2 COH Court of Honor - COH in Pritchard Hall at 7 pm,
May 13 Troop Day Hike, Urban Hike ONC 8am , back ONC 4pm (Counts to Railroading MB) FlyerSat May 29, 2017 10 AM Flags up and Monday May 29, 2017 3:00 pm flags down
June 6 Scoutmaster Conference and Board of Review for COH, Blue card turn in for COH.
June 10 to 11 new Sat to Sunday. ONC at 8am Sat. return ONC 1pm Sunday Camp Trask. Flyer
June 10 to 11 Sat to Sunday. ONC at 8am Sat. return ONC 1pm Sunday Horse Flats. Flyer
June 10 City of Irwindale HHW Collection 6/10/2017 9:00am to 3pm L.A. County Department of Public Works, Flood Control Maintenance Yard, 160 East Longden Ave, Irwindale 91706 (at Myrtle and Live Oak, south Monrovia)
June 13 PLC 6pm to 7pm new PLC -
June 13 COH Court of Honor - COH in Pritchard Hall at 7 pm and year end meeting. 2017 Troop dues last turn in, deadline.
June 18 to June 24 1, 2017 BSA Troop 373 Summer Camp flyer A Circle X Boy Scout Camp at Forest Lawn Scout Reservation 3 miles East of Lake Arrowhead, CA
July 4 Be in (or watch) the Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade, Flyer
Morning. photo - DECLARATION -Web fun ) #
July 4 Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade Be a Banner Carrier, Boy Scouts please read flyer
July 8 and July 9 2017 new Scout E-Waste Event at SMCC Flyer
July 18-24 , 2017 Summer Backpack Trip Flyer
July 18, 2017 Tuesday 8:00 AM new Bird Study Merit Badge Los Angeles County Arboretum Flyer
Aug. 5, 2017 9:00:00 AM to 2:00 PM City of Sierra Madre HHW Collection Event at Mariposa Parking Lot, Mariposa Ave. just west of Baldwin Ave., Sierra Madre 91024
August 15 Tuesday 7pm to 9pm new date Annual PLC meeting at SMCC (PLC flyer but not date and time)
August 17 Thursday 7:15pm to 9pm new Troop 373 Parent Meeting
Sept. 2 to 4, 2017 BSA Caravan Labor Day Weekend at Holcomb Valley Sat. to Monday. Flyer
Sept. 5, 2017 First Troop Meeting of Fall Scout Year, 7:00pm
Sept. 9, 2017 Sat. 9am to 2:30pm Patrol Leader Training, open to all Troop Scouts (we hope you will be leader now or in the future) at SMCC. Free Lunch.
Sept. 12 Troop meeting 7pm
Sept. 19 Troop meeting 7pm
Sept. 19 PLC meeting 6m (no Dave S)
September 19, 7:30 - 8:30, Parent committee Meeting
Sept. 23 Troop Day Sports Event. Sat. Hamilton Park, 3680 Cartwright St, Pasadena, CA 91107 Flyer
Sept. 26 Troop meeting 7pm
Sept 30 Troop 373 Sat. Hike Day - For all Troop 373 Scouts. Flyer
Oct 1 Sunday Textiles Merit Badge flyer 2:30pm to 5:30pm
Oct 3 COH Court of Honor - COH in Pritchard Hall at 7 pm
Oct. 8 Sunday Salesmanship Merit Badge from 6:30-8:30pm. Class at SMCC. Flyer
Oct. 10 Troop meeting 7pm
Oct. 17 Troop meeting 7pm
Oct. 17 PLC 6pm
Oct. 17 6:30pm new Optional pancake tickets sales, with Assistant Scout Masters hope you can come if not in the PLC.
Oct. 21 to 22 Sat. 8am to Sunday noon, Back Packing trip, to Little Jimmy from Islip Saddle. This hike is open to all scouts within the troop. It is only 1 1/2 miles in length with minimal elevation gain. Depart and return at SMCC. Flyer
Oct. 24 Troop meeting 7pm and POPCORN orders due, with prize selection Popcorn Order Sheet Turn in ! Flyer
Oct. 28 Sat. Fall Harvest Fest at SMCC Service Project, Scouts needed to help in Game Booth ! 4 to 6 pm Flyer
Oct. 31 NO Troop meeting
Nov. 4 Sat. Troop 373 Pancake Breakfast, 8am to 10 am, at Sierra Madre Congregational Church in Pritchard Hall. Flyer. Plus Scouting Heritage Displays and Museum, counts toward Scouting Heritage Merit Badge. Troop Parents and Scouts needed to help with Pancake Breakfast. Set up starts at 6:30am - Need help with clean up at the end.
Nov 5. Sunday Scouting Heritage Merit Badge 6:30pm to 8:30pm Flyer
Nov. 5 Sunday Boy Scout Troop Christmas Trees start at SMCC Scouts need to help at 9am to 9:30 and 10:30 to 10:45am
November 11 Friday Veterans day new Caleb Strong’s Eagle Scout Project start time 7:30 am flyer
November 11 Sat 2 to 4pm Please pick up your Popcorn at 160 West Sierra Madre Blvd. SMCC.
Nov. 12 Sunday Boy Scout Troop Christmas Trees at SMCC Scouts need to help at 9am to 9:30 and 10:30 to 10:45amSaturday Nov. 25 Troop 373 helps at Sierra Madre's Winter Village Festival downtown SM from 4pm to 8pm, help at Bank of the West, 100 W Sierra Madre Blvd, Sierra Madre, CA 91024 , also with Troop Christmas Trees
Nov. 28 NO Troop meetingApril 1 Easter
June 5 Troop meeting 7pm and Troop Elections
June 9 Sat. Dave Clancy Eagle Project NEW FlyerJune 19 7:15pm Parents Meeting Tuesday NEW Flyer
June 23 Sat 8am Troop Day event Hike and Geology (optional: Geology Merit Badge Class) NEW Flyer
June 26 Pre Circle X Camp meeting 7pm normal Spot at SMCC.July 4 Be in (or watch) the Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade, Flyer
Morning. photo - DECLARATION -Web fun ) #
July 4 Sierra Madre 4th of July Day Parade Be a Banner Carrier, Boy Scouts please read flyer
July 8 Sat. New Ben Deveau’s eagle Project Flyer
Summer Camp - NewJuly 27 at 2:30pm Note NEW Date and Time !!!!! Friday Service Project Sat Noon. 2:30pm for 1 1/2 hours. SMCC Rummage Clean up in Pritchard Hall flyer
August 4, 2018 New Saturday 3 pm Eagle Court of Honor For Jeremiah Schwind Reception following ceremony Flyer
August 14, 2018 Tuesday new 7:15pm to 9pm Troop 373 Parent MeetingAugust 21, 2018 Tuesday new 7pm to 9pm Annual PLC meeting at SMCC (PLC flyer but not date and time)
Sept. 1 to 3, 2018 BSA Caravan Labor Day Weekend at Camp Trask Sat. to Monday. flyer
Troop 373 meetings are at SMCC on the Tuesdays at 7:00PM (unless noted as other below ).
Sept. 4, 2018 First Troop Meeting of Fall Scout Year, 7:00pm
Sept. 4, 2018 Popcorn Sales Starts , Take Orders Flyer
Sept . 8 Sat. NEW Eagle Project Jacob Henderson’s Eagle Project 8:00
AM to 4:00 PM Flyer
9, from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM NEW Eagle Project Jacob Henderson’s Eagle Project Flyer
Sept 9, Sunday Salesmanship Merit Badge flyer
Sept 11, 2018 Tuesday 7:15pm to 9pm Troop 373 Parent Meeting Blue Card Turn in date
Sept 18 COH Court of Honor - COH in Pritchard Hall at 7 pm
Sept. 15 Sat. Show and Sell starts for Popcorn Sales Flyer TBA
Sept. 29, 2018 New info CANCELED low turn out - RSVP Sat. Dino-Fest at Natural History Museum. Be at Goldine Villa Train Station at 8:30am, We will be back at station at 5pm (Note Change, not Miramar) Day Event. Be ready to buy or fill tap card for trip.
Oct. 13, 2018 Sat. Troop Service Project Water District Educational Event Location: Arcadia Regional Park Be are Park at 8am to help with setup. Note new start time 8am Flyer
Oct 14, Sunday Collection Merit Badge Class Flyer
Oct. 16 Troop meeting 7pm and POPCORN orders due, with prize selection Popcorn Order Sheet Turn in ! Flyer
October 20, 21 Backpack trip from Chantry Flats to Hoegee Campground *open to all scouts, or Sprucegrove for older scouts. NEED leaders and parent to attend. RSVP to Scoutmaster ... Flyer
Nov. 10 Sat. Troop 373 Pancake Breakfast, 8am to 10 am, at Sierra Madre Congregational Church in Pritchard Hall. Flyer.
Plus Scouting Heritage Displays and Museum, counts toward Scouting Heritage Merit Badge on Nov 11, see belove.
Troop 373 Parents and Scouts needed to help with Pancake Breakfast. Set up starts at 6:30am - Need help with clean up at the end.
November 10 Sat 1 to 3pm Troop 373 Please pick up your Popcorn at 160A West Sierra Madre Blvd. SMCC.
Nov 11. Sunday Scouting Heritage Merit Badge, open to all Boy Scouts 6:30pm to 8:30pm Flyer
Dec 15 Sat. – new Service Project at Church Yard Work on Church South Side FLYER
Dec. 25 Sat. . Christmas Day
Jan. 1 New Years Day Eagle Scout in TOR
Jan 8 Troop meeting Start again 7pm
Jan 12 - 13 – Camp Out Precamporee, Sat. -Sunday Carpinteria SB - Anacapa Group Camping - GRAC Racoon FLYER
up to10 car, 40 people. Camp confirmation # is 1747862.
Jan 22 7pm Court of Honor - COH are in Pritchard Hall
Canceled Wind and Rain Feb. 1 to Feb 3 Friday to Sunday, New: Calico Car Camp Outing Flyer
Feb. 1 to Feb 3 Friday to Sunday, Closed Joshua Tree camping at Indian Cove Group Camp Site #G1. flyer
Feb. 9 Sat. 3pm Eagle COH for David Clancy and Aram Maljanian New Flyer
February 10, 2019 Sunday, 3pm, Unknown Scout Ceremony, Memorial Park. Flyer
tba 9am to 2:30pm Patrol Leader Training, open to all Troop Scouts (we hope you will be leader now or in the future) at SMCC. Free Lunch.
Feb. 25 4pm to 5pm Service Prject Scouts help set up Blue and Gold 8:15pm 154 to P hall.
Feb. 26 Receive new Scouts at Blue and Gold 8:15pm P hall.