
Disaster Preparedness in Pasadena
In the wake of large-scale disasters throughout the world, the Pasadena Fire Department reminds all residents to be prepared for the type of disasters and emergencies that could affect Southern California.
Are you ready for an earthquake?
The next time disaster strikes, you may not have much time to act. Prepare now for a sudden emergency. Learn how to protect yourself and cope with disaster by planning ahead. From the Red Cross.Be Prepared
FEMA reminds us that earthquakes strike suddenly, violently and without warning. Identifying potential hazards ahead of time.Earthquake Engineering
National Information Service for Earthquake Engineering provides this technical site to provide latest research on how to build in a fault zone.Earthquake Program
The City of Pasadena Building and Safety Department has a program to help you make your house safer. We will provide interested homeowners with a Prescriptive (Cookbook) Plan Set that may be used to prevent devastation in the home.Protect Yourself During an Earthquake...Drop, Cover, and Hold On!
OFFICIAL RESCUE TEAMS from the U.S. and other countries who have searched for trapped people in collapsed structures around the world, as well as emergency managers, researchers, and school safety advocates, all agree that "Drop, Cover, and Hold On" is the appropriate action to reduce injury and death during earthquakes.Putting Down Roots in Earthquake Country
This popular 32-page earthquake science and preparedness handbook has recently been updated. The new version features current scientific understanding of when and where earthquakes will occur in California, and how the ground will shake as a result. Updated maps of earthquakes, faults, and potential shaking are included as well as instructions on how to get information after earthquakes.The Homeowner's Guide to Earthquake Recovery
Tells about earthquakes and how to be prepared for one.Natural Disasters & Severe Weather
Types of possible disasters and how to prepare for them.Prepare, Plan & Stay Informed for Emergencies
United States government website on how to prepare, plan and get informed about disasters.National Safety Council | Emergency Preparedness Plan & Checklist
National Safety Council's website on how to prepare, plan and get informed about emergencies.Home Safety Guide
How to make your home safe. Checklists on home safety.
California's Earthquake Forum
The home for California earthquake information. A place to ask geologists about western fault information.Did You Feel It?
This is a U.S. Geological Survey project to collect information about ground shaking following significant earthquakes. Following an earthquake, please tell us what you felt by filling out the questionnaire for the appropriate earthquake.Southern California Earthquake Data Center
The SCEDC is a long-term archive and distribution center for seismological and geodetic data for Southern California.Southern California Shake Map
Choose "Most Recent Event" to see maps for the most recent earthquake, select one of the maps from the list of "Recent Significant Events", or click on the "Map Archive" tab at the top of the page to view past events.Real-time Forecast of Earthquake Hazard in the Next 24 Hours
An online map that shows the odds of a significant earthquake on any given day in California. Updated hourly as new information comes in.Recent Earthquake Information
A very good map showing very recent earthquakes in Los Angeles County. To look elsewhere in California, click here. From USGS-USB Seismic Nets.Recent Earthquakes in California and Nevada
Earthquakes recorded for the last week (168 hours). Times are local (PST or PDT). The most recent earthquakes are at the top of the list. Click through for details.UC Berkeley Seismological Laboratory
You can even make your own seismogram!Surfing the Internet for Earthquakes
A comprehensive resource for earthquake research globally. Provided by Steve Malone. The west coast USGS office is at 345 Middlefield Rd., Menlo Park, CA 94025.Earthquake Archive Search
A comprehensive resource for historical information on earthquakes.
Largest Earthquakes in the USA
Of 22, only one felt in Pasadena. Phew!1906
The Great 1906 Earthquake And Fire
Original sources and timeline from the Museum of San Francisco.Story of an Eyewitness
Collier's, May 5, 1906. Jack London went to the scene of the San Francisco Fire & Earthquake and wrote the following dramatic description of the tragic events he witnessed in the burning city.1989
1989 Earthquake Reports and Photographs
Fascinating original source material from the Museum of the City of San Francisco, such as 911 reports, photographs, and more.The October 17, 1989, Loma Prieta, California, Earthquake-Selected Photographs
This publication provides images for use by the interested public, multimedia producers, desktop publishers, and the high-end printing industry.1998
Mission Peak Landslide of 1998
Report of the engineering firm retained by the City of Fremont to make a preliminary evaluation of the landslide sufficient to guide the city in emergency response and future planning decisions. (Picture)
California Has Its Faults
A fault is a fracture along which there is movement. Some faults are actually composed of several fractures called fault branches. Collectively the branches are a fault zone.Candy Quakes
A lesson plan using a variety of candy which you will quish in a number of ways to demonstrate forces on earth rocks. Clean up is the best part.Earthquake ABC
Children's drawings depicting what it felt like during an earthquake and the feelings they had.Earthquake Crossword Puzzle
To print out or use online, if you have Java. See if you know how to protect yourself during an earthquake. This and other fun things for kids to do to learn about earthquakes can be found on Kid Zone from ABAG.FEMA for Kids: Earthquakes
Most of the time, you will notice an earthquake by the gentle shaking of the ground. You may notice hanging plants swaying or objects wobbling on shelves. Sometimes you may hear a low rumbling noise or feel a sharp jolt.Hayward Fault Virtual Helicopter Tour
Requires that you install Google Earth on your Mac or PC, and then a special file for this tour, but then the fun begins.
Southern California Shaking Hazard Maps
ShakeCast is a freely available, post-earthquake situational awareness application that automatically retrieves earthquake shaking data from ShakeMap, compares intensity measures against users’ facilities, and generates potential damage assessment notifications, facility damage maps, and other Web-based products for emergency managers and responders.Southern California Shake Movie
Caltech's Near Real Time Simulation of Southern California Seismic Events Portal. This portal has been designed to present the public with near real time visualizations of recent significant seismic events in the Southern California Region.