
New retirees in Pasadena make $200,000 pensions
Pasadena’s former deputy police chief, Darryl Qualls, came in fifth in the CalPERS ranking with a pension of $215,173. He was followed by the city of Riverside’s former assistant police chief, Christopher Vicino, at $215,101. (3/12/18) Courtesy of the Los Angeles Daily News.
Pasadena Recycled Water Program
This project started in 2011 and will be completed by 2019 providing recycled water to almost all public sites in Pasadena and Altadena. In 1993 the Pasadena City Council authorized the purchase of 6,000 acre-feet of recycled water per year from the Los Angeles/Glendale Water Reclamation Plant, but no recycled water has yet come to Pasadena. Despite Pasadena’s $6.3 million financial commitment, Pasadena has not moved ahead on building the distribution system from Scholl Canyon through West Pasadena due to financial concerns. More here. (5/6/14).
Pasadena Citizens Service Center
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