
History of the 710 Long Beach Freeway
Also called the Los Angeles River Freeway prior to November 18, 1954, I-710 was planned at its inception to run all the way north to Pasadena, but the construction of the segment from Alhambra to Pasadena through South Pasadena has been delayed for several decades due to community opposition. Prior to 1983, the road was not an Interstate, although it was built to Interstate standards. Until 1964 it was State Route 15, but it was renumbered to State Route 7 in the 1964 renumbering because of the existence of Interstate 15, and to I-710 in 1983.
2001 Measure A - Complete 710 Freeway between I-210 and I-10
In March of 2001, Pasadena voters approved this measure. Here is the official wording of the measure:
Shall an Initiative Ordinance of the City of Pasadena be adopted to declare the policy of the City of Pasadena to be in favor of completing the 710 Freeway extension between the I-210 and the I-10 Freeways, and to declare that such policy could not be changed or repealed without a vote of the people?
Transit Authority (Metro)
This website by the Metro Transit Authority has the latest on the 710 Study.
No on 710 Action Committee
This group declares that the SR-710 tunnel is an unacceptable alternative to address regional transportation problems. Their mission is to promote solutions that are environmentally and fiscally sound, reduce pollution, reduce congestion and eliminate public dependence on fossil fuels.
710 Freeway Extension Officially Dead, State and City Officials Celebrate and Look to the Future
On Wednesday, November 28, State Senator Anthony J. Portantino (D–La Cañada Flintridge) and California Secretary of Transportation Brian Annis held a press conference to present the final Environmental Impact Report (EIR) for the 710 Freeway Corridor to the public. Spanning 60 years, the completion of the 710 freeway from Valley Boulevard in Alhambra to the 210 freeway in Pasadena has been one of the most complex transportation projects in California history. (11/28/18) Courtesy of the Pasadena Now.
Assemblyman Holden Joins Senator Liu to Request Cal Trans to Sell 710 Freeway Homes and Governor Brown Signs SB 416
Governor Brown signed a historic measure designed to clear the way for the sale of state-owned real estate along the 710 freeway corridor and end decades of speculation about a freeway surface route. Assemblymember Chris Holden is a principal co-author on
SB 416 which was authored by Senator Carol Liu. (10/2/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Now.
Senator Liu's 710 Freeway Properties Bill Approve by State Senate
California State Sen. Carol Liu’s bill on 710 freeway properties has been approved by the Senate on a 38-0 votation and was sent to Gov. Jerry Brown, who has 30 days to sign or veto the proposed law. The bill would help Caltrans sell state-owned houses no longer needed for construction of a proposed State Highway Route 710 extension in Los Angeles, Alhambra, South Pasadena, and Pasadena. (9/10/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Now.
Freeway fighters host rally before Meto meeting on 710 extension
Dozens of freeway fighters joined a group of local elected officials Saturday morning at a rally to protest the proposed tunnel option for the 710 Freeway north extension to Pasadena. (7/21/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Technical Work on 710 extension Environmental Impact Report (EIR) next week
Geo-technical work will begin next week in Monterey Park, Los Angeles, Alhambra, Pasadena and South Pasadena as the study team for the SR-710 North Gap Closure Project moves forward with the second phase of its three-year environmental study. See more about the history here. (3/1/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Liu introduces bill to sell state-owned homes not needed for 710 project
Sen. Carol Liu is introducing legislation (SB 416) to encourage the Department of Transportation (DOT) also known as Caltrans to sell as-is property at discounts. (2/25/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Sun.
710 Freeway Coalition faces growing efforts against linking the route to 210
After more than two decades of lobbying for a connection between the Long Beach (710) and Foothill (210) freeways, Nat Read retired in September and passed leadership of his group, the 710 Freeway Coalition, to Harry Baldwin, a former mayor of San Gabriel who works out of his home. For more information, visit http://www.metro.net/projects/sr-710-conversations. (1/30/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Sun.
Sparks fly at open house on 710 expansion proposals
Metro will host another open house from 6-8 p.m. at San Marino Community Church tonight and a third from 9-11 a.m. at California State University, Los Angeles on Saturday. For more information, visit http://www.metro.net/projects/sr-710-conversations. (1/23/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Metro releases final Alternatives Analysis report for 710 study
The report, which was originally promised in October, details the process by which Metro's study team narrowed the options down to five final alternatives that it will study for environmental impacts: "No build," traffic management systems, light rail route, bus route and a dual-bore underground freeway tunnel. (1/18/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Officials ask for answers on who makes final 710 decision
Local political leaders are seeking clarification from Caltrans and the Metropolitan Transportation Authority about which transportation agency has the final say in the environmental study for the Long Beach (710) Freeway extension. (12/19/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Pasadena hammers 710 tunnel, stops short of opposing it
The Pasadena City Council voted to warn transportation officials about their concerns regarding the proposed extension of the Long Beach (710) Freeway. The City Council vote fell short at 3-3 to oppose the extension. (12/11/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Pasadena Council to take position on 710 tunnel
On Monday, December 10th, 2012, the City Council will take a position on whether or not a tunnel should complete the Long Beach (710) Freeway. Though it opposed three other alternatives at a meeting in August, the council has shied away from taking a position on the tunnel connecting linking the San Bernardino (10) and Foothill (210) freeways. (12/5/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Measure J fails by 14,000 votes
On Monday, December 3rd, 2012, The Metropolitan Transportation Authority's half-cent sales tax extension, Measure J, failed to pass by less than one percentage point, according to final election results released. (12/3/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Bill Bogaard: Resolving Pasadena's uncertainty over 710
On Monday, October 3rd, 2012, the question is whether Measure A, a ballot measure approved by the voters in 2001, prohibits the Pasadena City Council today from expressing opposition to an alternative to the 710 freeway connection on the surface, which would involve an underground tunnel 100-150 feet below ground. The tunnel would have a length of approximately 4.5 miles and cost the taxpayers at least $4-$8 billion. (10/3/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Pasadena Mayor Writes: Drop the Tunnel
On Wednesday, September 26th, 2012, Pasadena Mayor Bogaard, in a letter as a private citizen asked Metro to eliminate the proposed 710 Freeway tunnel from the list of alternatives to be studied in the next phase of the Environmental Impact Report (EIR)/ Environmental Impact Study (EIS). (9/26/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Assemblyman Mike Eng urges Metro to retain tunnel option
On Monday, September 24th, 2012, Assemblyman Mike Eng, D-Alhambra, sent a letter to the Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board Monday urging members to continue studying a tunnel option for the 710 Freeway Gap Closure Project. (9/24/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Rep. Schiff calls on Metro Board to eliminate 710 tunnel option
On Thursday, September 20th, 2012, Schiff sent a letter to Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority Board Chairman Michael Antonovich Thursday urging Metro to drop the tunnel option from the set of final alternatives it plans to study for the "710 North Gap Closure Project." (9/20/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Cities have different opinions on the 710 expansion issue
On Friday, September 14th, 2012 San Marino still supports the 710 expansion, while surrounding cities oppose. (9/14/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Tunnel opponents buoyed by L.A. rejection
On Tuesday, August 28th, 2012 advocates of the underground option point out the three-year study of 710 extension remains underway. (9/2/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Pasadena City Council unanimously votes to oppose 710 extension routes
On Monday, August 13th, 2012 the Pasadena Star reported that the council rejected the latest three proposals. These included a tunnel connecting the 10 Freeway to the 134 Freeway, a surface route that would widen Avenue 64 and a highway route along Huntington Drive, Fair Oaks Avenue and Pasadena Avenue. (8/13/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
New routes, new opponents to 710 Freeway plan
On Saturday, August 11th, 2012 the Pasadena Sun reported on battles that have started against many Caltran proposals for the 710 expansion. (8/11/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Pasadena City Council to vote on 710 opposition resolution
The City Council is poised to take a stand on Monday, August 13, 2012 against a proposal to complete the 710 Freeway by carving a six-lane highway through the upscale San Rafael neighborhood. (8/10/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Pasadena City Council supports Caltrans home bill
The Pasadena City Council on Monday, August 7th, 2012 put its support behind a state bill that would speed up the sale of Caltrans-owned homes around the city. SB 204 would require Caltrans to sell 356 homes along the 710 (Long Beach) Freeway extension corridor once Caltrans and county transportation officials formally drop consideration of a surface freeway. The bill would require that funds from the sales pay for local transportation projects in agreement with local cities. (8/7/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.
Metro holds final 710 Freeway open house in Pasadena
The Los Angeles Metropolitan Transportation Authority and Caltrans held their final open house for the 710 Freeway extension study Wednesday (5/30/2012) night in Pasadena. There are 12 possible alternatives being considered. Metro also offers all the open house materials online here. (5/31/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Star News.
Public meetings on 710 Freeway extension proposals set to begin
Community meetings about alternatives to controversial tunnel or highway extensions to connect the Long Beach (710) and Foothill (210) freeways are set to begin March 1, 2012. The first meetings are:
6 to 8 p.m. March 1 at Ramona Hall Community Center, 4580 N. Figueroa St., Los Angeles
10 a.m. to noon March 3 at East Los Angeles Public Library, 4837 E. 3rd St., Los Angeles
More meetings will be announced on Metro’s website at www.metro.net/projects/sr-710-conversations/
Video of the March 3rd, 2012 Meeting
(2/24/12) Courtesy the Pasadena Sun.