
Home Schooling in California - Legal Fact Sheet
This document describes what you should know when you decide to home school your children.
How to Withdraw Your Child from School in California
What do you need to know before removing your child from a school in California.
Why Charter Schools Won't Work
What is wrong with Charter Schools and why they don't work for Christians. Christian children need christian education, but charter schools cannot offer a christian education. ARTICLE 9 SECTION 8. No public money shall ever be appropriated for the support of any sectarian [religious] or denominational school, or any school not under the exclusive control of the officers of the public schools; nor shall any sectarian or denominational doctrine be taught, or instruction thereon be permitted, directly or indirectly, in any of the common schools of this State.
California Education Code - How does Homeschooling fit into the laws?
What do you need to know before removing your child from a school in California? Click here to actually see the California Education Code.
Family Protection Ministries (FPM) of California
Information related to the legal status of private home education and parental rights issues. They provide information on the status of current legislation in California and on a Federal level.
Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA)
If you are home schooling this is a must have. They provide your insurance of legal support if there are any legal challenges as a homeschooling family. Members receive unique services, special discounts, and personal advice to support and equip your family's homeschool program.
Pasadena area home-schools see themselves as one of several options for parents
Pasadena has plenty of options when it comes to schools. The choices range from public to private to charter. But for some parents, none of those options are viable and a growing number have turned to home schooling. (9/28/2013). Courtesy of Pasadena Star News.