
Cub Scout & Boy Scout Alternative
With the recent changes in membership many are looking for alternatives to Boy Scouts. Here is your answer. More here.
Altadena Pack 1
We meet at Saint Mark's Episcopal Church of our Charter Organization, 1014 E Altadena Dr, Altadena CA. Pack meetings are once on the 3rd Sunday at 3pm. Den meetings are also once a month and scheduled by the den leadership. Get directions
Pasadena Pack 5
We meet at Polytechnic School in the Grace Henley Patio, 1030 East California Blvd, Pasadena, CA 91106. Get directions
Pasadena Pack 48
Visit our website for the latest. We meet at Hamilton Elementary School 2089 Rose Villa Street, Pasadena, CA 91107. Get directions
Sierra Madre Pack 110
Regularly scheduled Pack and Den Meetings are Monday nights from 7 to 8 pm at St Rita Catholic Church, 318 N Baldwin Avenue, Sierra Madre, CA.
Pasadena Pack 357
We meet during the school year from 7:15 to 8 pm in the First Church of the Nazarene at 3700 East Sierra Madre Blvd. in the Meguiar Youth Center (Room 134). For More Information contact Dave Coates at 626.303.2181 dacoates@gmail.com or Tiffany Coates at 626.864.1271 tiffanydirecto@gmail.com.
Sierra Madre Pack 373
We meet in the Old North Church of our Charter Organization, Sierra Madre Congregational Church 191 W. Sierra Madre Blvd. Sierra Madre on Tuesdays at 7pm. Get directions
Altadena Troop 1
We meet at Saint Mark's Episcopal Church of our Charter Organization, the meeting House is behind St. Mark's Episcopal Church, in St. Mark's School building, 1050 E Altadena Dr, Altadena CA., every Tuesday at 7pm. Get directions
Pasadena Troop 4
We meet in Westminster Presbyterian Church , 1757 North Lake Avenue, Pasadena, CA 91104 on Mondays at 7:15pm. Get directions
Pasadena Troop 21
We meet in the First Church of the Nazarene at 3700 East Sierra Madre Blvd. in the Meguiar Youth Center (Room 134) on Mondays at 7pm.
Pasadena Troop 27
We meet in the Scout Room of First United Methodist Church on Colorado Blvd since 1933 at 500 East Colorado Blvd, Pasadena, CA on Tuesdays at 7pm.
Sierra Madre Troop 110
We meet at St. Rita's Catholic Church of Sierra Madre on Tuesdays at 7pm.
Sierra Madre Troop 373
We meet in the Sierra Madre Congregational Church in Kidz Port in the New Life Building at the corner of Sierra Madre Blvd. and Hermosa on Tuesdays at 7pm. Also see this website.
Cub Scout Ranks
Listing of all ranks with requirements and electives for each rank.
Wolf Requirement 5E (Bookends)
The cub scout is required, for the Wolf rank to make something useful. Here are instructions for making simple bookends.
Wolf Elective 5B, 5C and 5D (Paper Bag, 2 Stick and 3 Stick Kite)
The cub scout Wolf rank elective 5 asks to make and fly a paper bag kite, two stick kite and a three stick kite. This page includes the detailed instructions on how to make these kites.
Webelos Fitness Requirement 2 "How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse A Parent's Guide"
This PDF, contains the booklet for Fitness Activity Badge Requirement 2 to read the booklet "How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse A Parent's Guide" to be discussed with an adult.
Webelos Fitness Requirement 8 "Take A Stand Against Drugs!"
This PDF, contains the booklet for Fitness Activity Badge Requirement 8 to read the booklet "Choose to Refuse! Take A Stand Against Drugs!" to be discussed with an adult.
Cub Scout Belt Loops and Pins
Description of the Academics and Sports Programs for belt loops and pins.
Academic Belt Loops and Pins
Complete listing of all Cub Scout Academic Belt Loops. Clicking on each belt loop also tells how to achieve the pins.
Sports Belt Loops and Pins
Complete listing of all Cub Scout Sport Belt Loops. Clicking on each belt loop also tells how to achieve the pins.
Den Meeting Plans
A great resource for the Den Leader to plan out meetings.
Cub Scout Leader Book
This PDF was written in 2007 and provides helpful resources for the cubmaster and den leader. It also includes many forms needed like advancement records and attendance.
"Take A Stand Against Drugs!
This PDF was written in 2006 and is a Requirement for Akela to review with their Webelos for the Fitness Activity Badge. It includes a family pledge to Choose to Refuse. Also called "Choose to Refuse! Take A Stand Against Drugs!" and "Drugs: A Deadly GAme ! Choose to Refuse" to be discussed with an Adult.
"How to Protect Your Children From Child Abuse A Parent's Guide"
This PDF, contains the booklet to be discussed with an adult that contains information for parents about child abuse and some tips to help you talk with your Cub Scout-age sons about child abuse.
Boy Scout Merit Badges
Not just a great site for Boy Scouts, the site has good links for young teens on all sorts of topics.
Arcadia Wilderness Park Merit Badges
They offer regular eagle required merit badge sessions for a fee. Be sure to come with a signed blue card and the requirements completed before arrival to a merit badge session in order to get complete sign-off. These classes fill up fast so the best way to register is online. Go to the register page here. Click on the top right corner that says 'Login/Create Account'. To create a account click on 'Create a RCSD Account'. Otherwise login.
Camp Trask - Trail to Eagle
They offer eagle required merit badge sessions for a fee every summer in June. Classes are a week long so must travel to the camp daily in Class A uniform for the week. Be sure to come with a signed blue card, medical form, merit badge book, workbook and the requirements completed before arrival to a merit badge session in order to get complete sign-off.
Cub Scouts Clipart Gallery
Insignias, flags, and other fun graphics.
Scouter Clipart Gallery
Activities, animals, insignia, history, and order of the arrow.
U.S. Scouting Service Project Clipart and File Library
Browse through the list below and select a gallery. You can download individual images to your computer by mouse-clicking on any image in the gallery or on the title.
Camping Resource
Extensive listing of recommended places to go camping in Southern California including camping tips.
Boys Life
Read the latest Boys Life right online!
Scouting Magazine
Games, quizzes, outdoor survival tips for scouts.
Read the latest issue of Scouting right online!
This is a great resources for skits.
This is a great resources for scout games.
Baden-Powell Games Book
A wide variety of games, including FIrst Aid Games, for boy scout groups.
Boy Scouts of America
National Organization's website.
Green Bar Web Site
This site contains information of use to Scoutmasters and other adult Scouters on a number of topics. This is not a site about pioneering projects, advancement resources, or "how to's" for every skill associated with Scouting. It is a site about leadership, both adult and youth in the troop and Patrol.
Library of Scouting Forms
A great resource of forms for inspections, safety and trip planning.
MacScouter - Scouting Resources Online
A wonderful scout resource online. Recipes, clipart, skits, stories, songs, games, ceremonies, campfire ideas and even a few ideas for your leaders.
Tuku'ut Lodge (Merged Ta Tanka & Siwinis Lodges)
March 16, 2016, the respective Lodge Executive Committees of Ta Tanka Lodge and Siwinis Lodge voted on the name and totem of the to-be merged lodge of the Greater Los Angeles Area Council.
Ta Tanka Lodge 488 (OLD)
This page has been created to provide information to the members of Ta Tanka Lodge 488, Order of the Arrow, San Gabriel Valley Council #40, Boy Scouts of America.
Greater Los Angeles Area Council (GLAAC) - BSA
District information, resources and links.
Greater Los Angeles Area Council Districts
The Greater Los Angeles Council is broken up into 10 districts. Each district is responsible for certain communities. Please see this link to find out which district your city lies. Pasadena is in the Rose Bowl District. Sierra Madre is in the Lucky Baldwin District.
San Gabriel Valley Council Wikipedia
San Gabriel Valley County Council, Inc. which has been merged into the Los Angeles Area Council is a Boy Scouts of America council also called GLAAC. It has three Scout shops which are located in Los Angeles, San Pedro and Pasadena.
Scout History Association
This is the Web page where you can find incisive history on Scouting. Many of the details you will find in the Web pages associated with this History Association, you will not find elsewhere.
Scout Stuff
Official Catalog of scouting uniforms, books, equipment.
Scouter Network
All sorts of resources for scouts and leaders.
Scouting in the LDS Church
Yahoo Group regarding scouting and the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. Boy Scouts of America units (cubs, scouts, varsity, venture) with LDS wards as chartered partners.
U.S. Scouting Service Project
Mega site with the best of the best. Look here for 1999 rank requirements and badge changes.
The Virtual Cub Scout Leader's Handbook
A huge resource for cub scout leaders.
Unknown Boy Scout - Sierra Madre
This plaque on a pedestal in Memorial Park honors all boys scouts from Sierra Madre, California, who served in World War II.
Venturing is a program of the Boy Scouts of America for young men and women who are 14 (and have completed the 8th Grade) through 20 years old. The program revolves around a special avocation or hobby interest.
Why the Boy Scouts Work
Unlike today's progressives, Baden-Powell and his contemporaries recognized children's powerful desire for a moral absolute.