
Online Registering to Vote
To vote in California, you must be:
At least 18 years old by election day
A U.S. citizen
A California resident
Registered at least 15 days before the election
Not in prison or on parole for a felony
Not declared mentally incompetent by court action
Offline Way
Swing by any fire department, the library, the post office, or City Hall and ask for a voter registration form.
Absentee Ballot
Be a Permanent Absentee Voter
Recent changes in state law has made it possible for any registered voter to sign up and automatically receive their ballot by mail for every election.
County of Los Angeles Registrar of Voters
Office hours: Monday - Friday 8 am - 5 pm.
Responsible for:
Rock the Vote
If you have a printer, just fill out the form online, print and sign. A non-profit, non-partisan group. Targets young voters and the underrepresented.
California Official Voter Information Guide for the 2008 Primary Election
Downloadable PDF versions of Voter Information Guide in several languages are available in the bottom left of this page.
California Online Voter Guide
Voter guide provides nonpartisan information on California propositions and statewide, congressional, and state legislative contests.
California Voter Information
California League of Women Voters website for the Santa Clara County ballot. Information about candidates and issues.
Elections & Voter Information
From the Secretary of State. Lots of information on the gubernatorial primary candidates.
You Have the Right to Request a Paper Ballot
Paper of Plastic? New voting security rules allow voters who are concerned about e-voting security to cast a paper ballot at the polls. The California Voter Foundation (CVF) is urging voters to exercise their right to cast their ballot on paper, because the electronic voting machines produce results that cannot be publicly verified.
Bill Search
Search for a bill to find out the status in our California State Legislature.
Rough & Tumble
A daily snapshot of California public policy and politics.
The California Voter Foundation's California Map Series
Maps of the state's political districts, regions and counties. This series was created to give the public a better understanding of the political districts and jurisdictions where we live and vote.
American Independent Party
California Affiliate of the Constitution Party, the AIP is California's fastest growing political party. Californians have recognized the need for a major change in government policies, a return to constitutional government, and control of the government by the governed.
California Democratic Party
Information on Campaigns, Party Structure & More.
Democratic National Committee
The DNC plans the Party's quadrennial presidential nominating convention; promotes the election of Party candidates with both technical and financial support; and works with national, state, and local party organizations, elected officials, candidates, and constituencies to respond to the needs and views of the Democratic electorate and the nation. En EspaƱol.
Green Party of California
Find out who the Green Party candidates are for California political offices.
Greens/Green Party USA
Please join us as we build towards a more democratic, cooperative, cleaner, safer world where we the people, not the corporations, make the decisions that affect our lives.
Green Party of the United States
A confederation of state Green Parties. Committed to environmentalism, non-violence, social justice and grassroots organizing, Greens are renewing democracy without the support of corporate donors.
Libertarian Party of California
If you describe yourself as socially tolerant and fiscally responsible, you're a Libertarian! We believe you-not the government-should decide how to run your life, checkbook, retirement, education and family.
Libertarian Party
Committed to America's heritage of freedom: individual liberty and personal responsibility; a free-market economy of abundance and prosperity; and a foreign policy of non-intervention, peace, and free trade.
Natural Law Party - California
Founded in April 1992 to "bring the light of science into politics." Its founders, a group of a dozen educators, businessmen, and lawyers, knew that field-tested solutions to America's problems already existed but were being ignored by government.
Los Angeles Republican Party
Your online source for Republican news, events, and information from all over Los Angeles. (Not available in other languages.)
California Republican Party
Your online source for Republican news, events, and information from all over California. (Not available in other languages.)
Republican National Committee
Republicans have a long and rich history with basic principles: Individuals, not government, can make the best decisions; all people are entitled to equal rights; and decisions are best made close to home. (Not available in other languages.)
How to Qualify an Initiative
The Statewide Ballot Initiative Handbook is currently being updated for the 2004 election cycle. Some sections of the handbook have changed. Please contact the Secretary of State's Initiative Coordinator at (916) 657-2166 for more information.