
Pasadena council to change ordinance for backyard chickens
The new city code allows residents to keep up to 10 backyard hens, as long as they are at least 35 feet away from neighboring dwellings, keep them in a coop and register with the Pasadena Humane Society. The previous ordinance required chickens to be at least 50 feet from the property line, restricting the use to only larger properties. (11/26/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Pasadena council to consider revised ordinance for backyard chickens
Group leader Cynthia Frederick said she and her fellow hen enthusiasts are asking the city to change its current zoning ordinance to allow for a smaller 35-foot buffer between chicken coops and the neighboring dwelling. The city’s current ordinance allows a household to have up to 10 hens, but they must be kept 50 feet from neighboring property and no closer than 100 feet from a church or school. (11/21/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Backyard chicken bans causing a stir in Southland cities
Urbanites searching for cruelty-free eggs and farm-fresh produce are hatching plans to raise chickens and grow vegetables in their own backyards, redefining "local" food even beyond the neighborhood farmers market. (1/28/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Getting Started Raising Chickens
This is an excellent website for the basics of raising chickens. It also gives details on how to keep them healthy, build housing and raise chicks.
Composting Bins
Composting bins are available for City of Pasadena residents.
Composting Made Easy
This article describes how to compost. Courtesy of Pasadena Living.
How to Plant a Tomato
Sunset has a series of videos here, not only how to plant a tomato, but also how to make a tomato cage, staking tomatoes, how to re-pot a houseplant, how to make compost, etc.
Sunset: How to Grow Summer Herbs
How to grow summer herbs in Southern California. (12/28/2011). Courtesy of sunset.com.
See also:
Filming Locations
How to apply for the Mills Act
How to make a kite