
Stormwater cleanup fee put on slow track; could reach voters in 2014
Supervisors placed the county's stormwater cleanup fee on the slow track Tuesday, opting not to proceed with the parcel fee as written but allowing for the possibility it could re-appear on a general election ballot in June or November of 2014. (3/12/13) Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
Supervisors get earful about stormwater fee, postpone action for 60 days
The Los Angeles County Board of Supervisors postponed action on a storm water- cleanup fee after an overwhelming majority of speakers representing cities, school districts, businesses and property owners expressed opposition to the measure and the way it was presented. The supervisors voted 3-2 to redraft the measure to include a sunset clause, a list of projects and the possibility of placing it on a general ballot before the entire electorate, instead of only sending property owners a mail-in ballot. (1/15/2013)
Antonovich Warns "Clean Water" Tax Flyer Misleading
Supervisor Michael D. Antonovich urged county residents to check their mailboxes for the “Official Notice to Property Owners of Public Hearing” which could result in a property tax increase. “While the mailing looks like junk mail, it is an important document that allows one to protest the proposed parcel tax,” he said. “It is vital that property owners return the protest form to stop this additional tax,” he added. “Property owners, schools and businesses already pay flood control taxes and now they are being asked to fork over more money at a time when families are struggling, schools are hurting and businesses are fleeing the state.” Residents have until January 15 to file their objection by returning their protest form or protesting at the public hearing on January 15, 2013 at 9:30 a.m. in the Hearing Room of the Board of Supervisors at the Hall of Administration. If a majority of the property owners do not object, the Board of Supervisors can approve a mail-in-ballot to be sent to all property owners in March. Passage requires only a simple majority. Those who misplaced this mailer, please call (800) 218-0018 or
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. To view sample flyer click the following link here. FAQ here. (12/4/2012)