
AB32: Global Warming Solutions Act
In 2006, the Legislature passed and Governor Schwarzenegger signed AB 32, the Global Warming Solutions Act of 2006, which set the 2020 greenhouse gas emissions reduction goal into law. It directed the California Air Resources Board (ARB or Board) to begin developing discrete early actions to reduce greenhouse gases while also preparing a scoping plan to identify how best to reach the 2020 limit. The reduction measures to meet the 2020 target are to be adopted by the start of 2011.
How California's cap-and-trade will work
This graphic shows how the ARB (Air Resorces Board) has setup the regulation for a carbon tax which will affect oil refineries, power plants and large factories, taking effect January 1st, 2013.
California Cap-and-Trade Program Implementation FAQ
The FAQs are organized under the following general topics and primary components of California’s cap-and-trade program: General Program Schedule, The Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS), Auctions and Reserve Sales, Bid Guarantee Process.
Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) Contractor
The contractor providing hosting services is called SRA International.
Compliance Instrument Tracking System Service (CITSS) Website
The actual website for CITSS. CITSS is designed to simplify the participation in the cap-and-trade program for all program participants, jurisdiction staff, and any contractors involved in implementing cap-and-trade programs within participating jurisdictions.
California kicks off cap and trade for carbon emissions
The idea is simple: The state sets a limit - a "cap" - on the amount of greenhouse gases each business or utility is allowed to emit. Companies that exceed their limits must buy additional allowances in the system. Companies that reduce their emissions below their cap can sell or "trade" their unused allowances. (11/13/2012). Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
California to officially launch greenhouse gas system starting 11-14-2012
California's largest greenhouse gas emitters will begin buying permits in a landmark "cap-and-trade" system designed to control emissions of heat-trapping gases and to spur investment in clean technologies. (11/12/2012). Courtesy of the Sacramento Bee.
Cap and Trade Program
This website provides information on implementing California’s greenhouse gas (GHG) cap-and-trade program. The program is a central element of California's Global Warming Solutions Act (AB 32) and covers major sources of GHG emissions in the State such as refineries, power plants, industrial facilities, and transportation fuels. The regulation includes an enforceable GHG cap that will decline over time. ARB (Air Resources Board) will distribute allowances, which are tradable permits, equal to the emission allowed under the cap.
Calculate Your Footprint
This site has a place to calculate your carbon footprint of greenhouse gases.
Donate Your Unused Footprint
Donate your carbon footprint savings to other organizations who need an offset. The goal is to make such great green choices at home and at work that you will get as close as possible to balancing out at zero. It's the planet that comes out the biggest winner.
Cap and Trade Pricing Collapsed in Europe—What Does This Mean for Guv Brown Budget?
Recent headlines proclaim “deep trouble” in the European cap-and-trade system for greenhouse gases, evidenced by the decline in allowance spot prices from over $25 per metric ton of carbon dioxide in June 2008 to about $3 this month. Although many press articles have referred to an “oversupply” of emissions permits, suggesting some kind of intrinsic imbalance, the markets are clearing just fine. It’s just that the price is lower than forecast. (5/17/2013). Courtesy of Stephen Frank's California Political News & Views.
Project aims to track big city carbon footprints
For the past year, a high-tech sensor poking out from a converted shipping container has stared at the Los Angeles basin from its mile-high perch on Mount Wilson, a peak in the San Gabriel Mountains that's home to a famous observatory and communication towers. Like a satellite gazing down on Earth, it scans more than two dozen points from the inland desert to the coast. Every few minutes, it rumbles to life as it automatically sweeps the horizon, measuring sunlight bouncing off the surface for the unique fingerprint of carbon dioxide and other heat-trapping gases. (5/12/2013). Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
13 things to know about California's cap-and-trade program
California has now held two auctions of greenhouse gas emissions allowances since Nov. 14, 2012. So what exactly happened? Why does it matter? And what happens next? There are many questions about the cap-and-trade program. Here's answers to several of them. (2/22/2013). Courtesy of the Pasadena Star News.
First cap-in-trade auction a bust for California budget
A low auction price for 2013 credits and low demand for future credits suggest that California will fall well short of its $1 billion projection this year. The nonpartisan Legislative Analyst's Office estimates that if trends hold in the February and May auctions, the state may only raise about $140 million in the first year. (11/21/2012). Courtesy of the Sacramento Bee.
State keeps mum for now about results from first carbon auction
California held its first-ever auction of carbon emissions allowances today, but state officials offered no details about how the sale went. The California Air Resource Board, which oversaw the historic auction, plans to release a host of details next Monday, November 19, 2012 about pricing and sales volume. But until then, agency officials said little beyond confirming that the auction lasted three hours as scheduled. (11/14/2012). Courtesy of the Modesto Bee.
California to officially launch greenhouse gas system starting 11-14-2012
California's largest greenhouse gas emitters will begin buying permits in a landmark "cap-and-trade" system designed to control emissions of heat-trapping gases and to spur investment in clean technologies. (11/12/2012). Courtesy of the Sacramento Bee.
See also:
Mission/Rancho Erra - 1700s
Pioneer Era - 1800s
Railroad History
Transportation History