
HUD Community Programs
There are many ways for you to get involved in your community - but first, you need to become an informed citizen. Find out what kinds of funds and opportunities are available for communities. Learn the facts about your community. And let your local government know what you think.
First-Time Homebuyers Assistance
California Housing Finance Agency (CHFA) offers a first-time homebuyer down payment assistance program for low-income residents to purchase a new home.
Teacher Next Door Program
The program offers HUD-owned, single family homes to public and private school teachers at 50 percent discount.
California Housing Finance Agency
Rental housing, home ownership assistance. Small business development.
Center for Responsible Lending
Advocates fair lending through equitable treatment of all borrowers.
Community Technology Alliance
Our focus is to increase the community's access to available resources for unhoused and at risk residents, and facilitate a collaborative and holistic system approach to assisting this population.
Los Angeles Housing Department
The Los Angeles Housing Department is charged with the development of citywide housing policy and supporting safe and livable neighborhoods through the promotion development and preservation of decent and affordable housing.
Local Initiative Support Collaborative (LISC)
LISC provides grants, loans and equity investments to CDCs for neighborhood redevelopment. 500 S. Grand Avenue, Suite 2300, Los Angeles, California 90071, (213) 250-9550.
San Gabriel Valley Habitat for Humanity
People with Disabilities are encouraged to apply: one home will be constructed to meet the Uniform Federal Accessibility Standards for persons with mobility impairments. 400 S. Irwindale Ave, Azusa, CA 91702, (626) 387-6899.
California Housing Law Project
Represents legal services programs, local government housing agencies, nonprofit housing developers, and tenant and senior organizations in the state legislature on low income housing issues. Visit this site for news and action alerts related to affordable housing.
San Gabriel Valley Consortium on Homelessness
This exists in order to develop and support coordinated, region-wide strategies to alleviate and ultimately eradicate homelessness in San Gabriel Valley. 1760 W. Cameron Avenue, Suite 109, West Covina, CA 91790, (626) 214-5986.
Southern California Association of Non-Profit Housing (SCANPH)
A decent, safe, affordable home for every Southern California resident is the ultimate goal of SCANPH. 501 Shatto Place, Suite 403, Los Angeles, CA 90020, (213) 480-1249.
Pasadena Free and Low Income Shelter Information
Where to find temporary housing.
Financial Stability.gov
Learn About the Making Home Affordable Refinance and Modification Options. The President's plan was created to help millions of homeowners refinance or modify their mortgages. Beware of Foreclosure Rescue Scams - Help Is Free!
Foreclosure Avoidance Counseling
HUD-approved housing counseling agencies are available to provide you with the information and assistance you need to avoid foreclosure.
Guide to Avoiding Foreclosure
Whether you're in foreclosure now or worried about it in the future, HUD has information that can help.
Homeowner Affordability and Stability Plan
A new program which is expected to stem the rising tide of foreclosures and help up to nine million homeowners by reducing their monthly mortgage payments.
Homeownership Preservation Foundation
888-995-HOPE hotline. We are an independent nonprofit that provides HUD-approved counselors dedicated to helping homeowners. The help we offer is free.
How to Stop Foreclosure
If you're having trouble paying your mortgage, learn about the steps you can take to avoid foreclosure or minimize your debt after it happens. Nolo Press.
HUD Newsroom
New plans all the time to help those struggling with mortgage payments and home upkeep.
Sub-prime Mortgage Crisis Issues
This Web page serves as a one-stop-shop for news, information and events regarding the sub-prime mortgage crisis and avoiding home foreclosure. League of California Cities.
Walk Away from Your Mortgage Calculator
Is it in my economic interest to walk away? What will happen if I walk away? Can my loan be modified?