
4-H Club
The Alta Pasa 4-H Squad is a 4-H Club in the Altadena/Pasadena area. The club meets approximately once a month on the second Sunday afternoon of the month. Projects include rocketry, small engines, sewing, photography, outdoor adventure, and beekeeping.
4-H Organization
Learn about the 4-H Youth Development Program.
California 4-H
University of California 4-H Youth Development Program.
Los Angeles County 4-H
University of California Cooperative Extension, Los Angeles County. 4800 E. Cesar E. Chavez Avenue, Los Angeles, CA 90022. Phone: (323) 260-2267
National 4-H
National Headquarters is located at 1400 Independence Ave., Washington, DC 20250-2225. Phone: 202-401-4114
4-H Manuals
Manuals, fact sheets, articles, announcements and handouts.
4-H is a youth development program of the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA).
4-H on Wikipedia
In 2011 there were over 6.5 million members and 90,000 clubs in the United States. The goal of 4-H is to develop citizenship, leadership, and life skills of youth through experiential learning programs and a positive youth development approach.
Club Resources
Charter Applications, forms surveys and bylaws.
National 4-H Curriculum focuses on 4-H’s three primary mission mandates: science, healthy living, and citizenship.
Resource Library
Find a wide array of resources available to help you with your 4-H activities, projects, programs, clubs and more.
4H Clip Art Black and White
Girl Scout line art.
4H Clipart Black and White Images
Fairly large black and white images for coloring.
Official Clip Art Graphics Gallery
Easily downloadable images of the emblem.
Official Clip Art from 4-H National Headquarters
Policies and regulations for use of the emblems.